Families with children are always welcome in our parish communities of St Peter’s and St Mary’s and we are delighted to journey in the faith with every family!
We strive to offer engaging and meaningful faith-formation opportunities for all. We believe that our faith journeys are a life-long process that involves learning, exploring, and doing. We are here to support your family whatever your needs.
Toddlers Pen
For younger children, there’s a specially designated area in St Peter’s called the Toddlers’ Pen where, under supervision by their parents, they can play with toys or draw during all-weekend masses.
Children’s Liturgy
For primary school-aged children, we hold Children’s Liturgy in both churches during Sunday masses. This special celebration allows children to hear the readings and the Gospel proclaimed at an age-appropriate level, using modern and interactive methods that include crafts, games, drama and song.
Sacramental Preparation – Baptism, Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation
St. Peter’s Pastoral Area offers faith formation for children and young people from birth through S6+. Our dedicated team provide modern and interactive classes tailored to the needs of your child. The goal of our programmes is to provide the best support possible to all families to be able to know, share and live our faith.
Throughout the year, we offer opportunities for Family Faith Nights, Holiday Clubs, Fun Sessions, Retreats etc – Keep an eye in our Newsletter and on Facebook for further details!
St Peter’s Youth Group
Our monthly meetings will focus on faith, fun and fellowship and will have different monthly themes. All P7 students and secondary school students are encouraged to join, particularly those who have recently received the Sacrament of Confirmation. It’s a great way of developing faith in a community of peers while having fun!