Dear Brothers and Sisters, Today is Fathers’ Day and a good opportunity for us to thank GOD for our fathers, whether still with us or gone to the LORD, and to ask His blessing on them and their vocation to
The Announcer! – Corpus Christi
Today we celebrate Jesus Christ, who has given us his body and blood in the Holy Eucharist as our food so that we are not starved of life in our sojourn through this world as we head towards our promised
The Announcer! – Trinity
Today we celebrate the profound mystery of God, the Blessed Trinity – God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit – the three persons in one Godhead. We believe in God, who is not a one-person God,
The Announcer! – Pentecost
Today we commemorate the event when the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles during their prayer, resulting in an unprecedented occurrence. The feast of Pentecost signifies a new phase in the institution and growth of the Church. It reveals that
The Announcer! – 7th Sunday of Easter
This week is a week of prayer in preparation for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The Church is called to worship, lifting her eyes to heaven and invoking the Paraclete to dwell in her and the world. Today’s
The Announcer! – 6th Sunday of Easter
We celebrate today our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives forever in us through the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. Today’s readings introduce the Holy Spirit and His works in the community of the faithful as we prepare for
The Announcer! – 5th Sunday of Easter
The prayer said by the priest after the Lord’s prayer at Mass speaks of deliverance, peace, and freedom from sin and anxiety. Today the word of God addresses the worries or anxieties that may hinder the peace of the human