Today is the Good Shepherd Sunday. We celebrate our Lord Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd, who takes care of His flock, leading them through life’s rough and dreary roads to good pasture and the Father’s house.
The Announcer! – 3rd Sunday of Easter
Jesus continues showing himself to his disciples, who will witness his resurrection. But this time, He used the Holy Scriptures first. Today we celebrate the risen Christ Jesus, who revealed his mysteries to us contained in the scriptures. The idea
The Announcer! – 2nd Sunday of Easter
Today is the Sunday of Divine mercy. We reflect on the mercy of God, which flows down to the world from the side of our Lord Jesus Christ, who died on the cross of Calvary for us, is risen, and
The Announcer! – Easter Sunday
Today is the day of Resurrection! Alleluia! Jesus has risen from the dead. He is no longer in the tomb. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is the climax of our Christian belief. That which was unheard of is now a
The Announcer! – Passion Sunday
Today our Lord Jesus Christ begins the journey that will take him through his Passion and Resurrection. While reflecting on the Passion story, our focus is on the love of Jesus that speaks to us through his suffering, the love
The Announcer! – 5th Sunday of Lent
The crucifixes and sacred images in Church are covered with a veil until Good Friday and Easter vigil, respectively. Christ is drawing closer to his passion and people’s emotions are getting stronger. Today’s readings prepare us for the suspense of
The Announcer! – 4th Sunday of Lent
It is Laetare Sunday today, when we pause to reflect on the foretaste of the joy of Easter. The joy of staying in the light of God.