Today, the Church draws our attention to the ministry of John the Baptist, Jesus’ forerunner. He was the voice crying in the wilderness as Isaiah prophesied, calling the people to prepare for the Messiah’s coming, making straight his paths, hence preparing by repentance, purity of life, and righteousness.
In the first reading, Isaiah’s voice is heard prophesying about the Messiah, who will come from the house of Jesse and whose reign will bring peace, justice, and harmony. The prophecy painted an image of a perfect world where every being will be at peace with each other. That is the type of kingdom and reign the Messiah will institute.
Let us think about the voices we pay attention to, which influence our lives daily. Who’s behind the voices? Are you listening to God’s voice talking to you? Do you hear the voice of God speaking to you today? What message is there for us to take on board?
The message for us today is that the Lord’s coming is to be marked by the
desire and search for peace through repentance and reconciliation with God and our neighbour. God wants to restore the peace of our souls and the peace of the world if we can let him.
Today, we light the 2nd purple Advent candle, which signifies peace. May God who helps us when we refuse to give up show us the way to peace through Jesus Christ.