Today is the Sunday of Divine mercy. We reflect on the mercy of God, which flows down to the world from the side of our Lord Jesus Christ, who died on the cross of Calvary for us, is risen, and lives forever. The paschal mystery is the highest point of the manifestation of God’s mercy for the world. In His mercy, our sins are forgiven and washed away in Jesus’ blood. God’s merciful heart reaches out to all, caring for everyone. That is the central message for today: Mercy and charity.
The first reading described the life of the early Christian community in Jerusalem as one full of love, worship of God, and works of charity. The believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, fellowship, breaking bread, and prayer. The apostles did many wonders and signs, sharing everything they had, selling their possessions, and giving to anyone in need. They met together, praising God and enjoying the favour of all the people. While living this life, the Lord added more believers to their number daily.
In the 2nd reading, Peter encourages believers facing trials and persecution, reminding them of their hope in Jesus’ resurrection and the promise of eternal inheritance. He urges them to endure with faith, which is more valuable than gold and reminds them that their faith in Jesus will result in praise, glory, and honour when he is revealed.
In the gospel reading, Jesus appears to his disciples after his resurrection while they are gathered in a locked room. He shows them his wounds and gives them peace, then commissions them to continue his work of mercy, bringing forgiveness of sins to the world. However, Thomas is not present and doubts the resurrection until Jesus appears to him and invites him to touch his wounds. Jesus then blesses those who believe in him without seeing him.
These readings show us that mercy/charity is at the foundation of the Christian faith and is expected of all of us. How conscious are we in practicing the corporal and spiritual works of mercy?