Today we celebrate the Transfiguration of the Lord. We see the glory of God in Jesus’ Transfiguration – his face and clothes turning dazzlingly white, Moses and Elijah, who represent the law and prophets coming to Jesus and conversing with him, the cloud covering them suddenly, and the voice speaking from the midst of the cloud.
Today’s first reading dwelt on that vision of God’s glory as Daniel saw it. Before the glory of God was this divine one who looked like the son of man to whom all nations and kingdoms minister and whose reign lasts forever.
The gospel is like a confirmation of this vision of God’s glory. Jesus took Peter, James, and John to a high mountain where he was transfigured in their sight. They saw the glory of God rest on him, and they heard the voice of the Father introducing Jesus to them as His beloved Son in whom He is well pleased, to whom they should listen.
In the second reading, St Peter affirmed the Church’s belief in Jesus as the Son of God to which they were witnesses at his Transfiguration. This faith in Jesus is not something made up, not a myth, but a truth to which they are witnesses.
The Transfiguration is an event to boost the disciples’ faith in Jesus as the Son of God and the Son of man; the Messiah who is truly God and man. It is an event of encouragement for the disciples to keep trusting and listening to Jesus Christ in all times. It is a foreshadow of the resurrection. It underscores for us the importance of prayer and how we are transfigured in the presence of God.
As we celebrate the Holy Eucharist, the Church is shrouded in God’s glory, we listen to God’s word and receive Jesus in the Holy Communion. May you have the experience of the Transfiguration!